Filters for jet fuel purification

The most important problem in technological lines of the systems of conditioned fuel and lubricants supply of airports is the problem of aviation fuel quality.

Omni Technologies LLC offers:
— fuel filters (mechanical) model VF for cleaning of various types of fuel from mechanical impurities;
— water separator filters of GF model for purification of various types of fuel from mechanical impurities and free water.
Production of aviation fuel purification systems is possible both in the form of separate units of equipment and in block design.

All filter models are equipped with replaceable filter elements of separating or coagulating type depending on the required version.
The principle of operation of aviation fuel fine purification systems consists in sequential purification of aviation fuel in a mechanical filter, where mechanical impurities are separated from the fuel, and in a water separator.
At the output of the jet fuel fine purification system the purification from mechanical impurities up to 3...5 microns in size and guaranteed content of free water not more than 0.0015 (% wt.) is provided.